"My Chrysalis Online Course in counselling was a really good investment."

John Burleigh

"Chrysalis Online Courses is part of Chrysalis, the UK's largest therapy trainers - this was a huge advantage in choosing this course."

Alan Poole

Privacy Policy

From the 21st May 2018, Chrysalis Online Courses, will be updating our Data Protection Statement.

We’re making this change to take into account the new General Data Protection Register (GDPR) which takes effect in the UK from 25th May 2018.

As a result, we have a new Privacy Notice to make it easier for you to find out how we use and protect your information, the New Notice will provide additional details such as:

  • Increased rights which individuals have in relation to the information we hold
  • How we keep information secure
  • The types of information we collect about you and individuals connected to our courses and how we use it
  • The legal grounds for how we use personal information

The Privacy Notice will apply from the date that you enrol on a course. This also applies to students and graduates. All third parties affiliated with Chrysalis Online Courses will also adhere to the privacy policy.

Personal information which you share with Chrysalis Online Courses as part of your course process - for example, personal disclosures as part of your personal development or as part of therapeutic training are treated in the strictest confidence.

Chrysalis Online Courses is bound by the same Code of Ethics for the Tutor – Student relationship as would apply to professional Counsellors.

Chrysalis Online Courses will not disclose any such materials unless required by a Court Order or unless such materials provide evidence of criminality or potential or actual harm to yourself, another person or to Chrysalis Online Courses contributors or staff.

For the avoidance of doubt, in their supervisory capacity the Co-Principals of Chrysalis Online Courses or their designated officer may be asked by your Tutor to view your course material in the interest of furthering or expediting your course progress or if your tutor raises any concerns about your work.

Whether or not you become a student, you will be given the option to “opt out” of Chrysalis Online Courses holding any data that is not relevant to the service requirements, throughout your student journey.

We are required to hold your personal data during your student journey in order to provide the required service to you.

  • Full name and address including contact information (e.g. home address, email address, home and mobile telephone numbers)
  • Financial and bank details in relation to the setting up of a bank standing order (when applicable)

Your data is stored by Shilstone Limited trading as Chrysalis Online Courses in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act.

Providing personal data:

  • The provision of personal data is optional, as is asking for our consent to hold and process data
  • In all other cases you must provide the requested data so that we can process your enrolment

Monitoring of communications

Subject to applicable laws, we will monitor and record calls, emails, text messages, social media messages and other communications in relation to our dealings with you. This is in accordance with regulatory compliance, self-regulatory practices, crime prevention and detection, to protect the security of your communications systems and procedures, to check for obscene or profane content, for quality control and staff training. This is necessary and justified for legitimate and legal interests and obligations.

Sharing of personal data

Subject to applicable data protection law, we may require to share your personal data with:

  • Sub-contractors and other persons who help to provide our products and services Government bodies and agencies in the UK (e.g. HMRC, who may in turn share it with relevant tax authorities and with regulators)
    1. Courts, to comply with legal requirements and for the administration of justice
    2. In an emergency or to otherwise protect vital interests
    3. To other parties connected to the running of courses (e.g. Chrysalis Online Course Tutors and Governing Awarding Bodies)

Data anonymisation and aggregation

Personal data may be converted into statistical or aggregated data which cannot be used to identify you, then used to produce statistical research and reports. This aggregated data may be shared and used in all the ways described above.

Retention of personal data

Chrysalis Online Courses will securely retain the data that you have provided to us and the records that we have used for the period of time that we have a proven legitimate reason to do so. This will be for a maximum of six years from the point of a student enrolment being processed.

Principles – In compiling to GDPR, Chrysalis Courses Online will ensure that Personal Data shall be:

  • Processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner
  • Collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes
  • Adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary
  • Accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date
  • Retained only for as long as necessary
  • Processed in an appropriate manner to maintain security

Should you have any queries or questions regarding your Data Protection, please email the Chrysalis Online Courses Data Protection Officer:- DPO@chrysalisonlinecourses.co.uk

Cookie policy

Cookies on our site

Cookies are small files which are stored on your computer by your web browser. They are designed to hold a small amount of data which is used to personalise or customise your browsing experience online.

Cookies help to improve your visit to our sites by:

  • Remembering preferences so that you are not asked to keep entering information
  • Remembering information you have given (such as your postcode, or location) so that we can personalise the site to content relevant to you
  • Measuring how you (and all visitors) use the site so we can continually improve it to suit your needs

Please note that cookies are not harmful to your computer and we do not store any personally identifiable information about you in any cookies set by our website.

This information is provided to you as part of our commitment to comply with UK and European legislation, and to ensure we are completely transparent about technology in use on our websites.

Further information on cookies can be found on the third party All About Cookies site. This site also contains information on how to delete cookies or control cookies in your browser.

Third party cookies

In addition to our own cookies we also use some third party technologies to help us monitor and improve the user experience of our website. These tools include Google Analytics (a popular website statistics package) and Google Adwords (a advertising statistics package). These tools may also set cookies to allow their software to track activity on our sites. If you have any concerns about these third party tools please review Google's own privacy policy at: http://www.google.com/policies/privacy/

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National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society (NCPS) - Quality Checked Distance Learning Course National Hypnotherapy Society - Quality Checked Distance Learning Course